
What I loved most about coaching with Lynda is that it is so obvious Lynda is very passionate about supporting others along their health & wellbeing journey. This shows by the continual support, knowledge & encouragement she offers along the journey. Lynda is a very friendly, empathetic person who I would definitely recommend to anyone needing that extra boost to find that correct path in their health & well-being journey. Thank you Lynda


“I enjoyed doing the course with you and found it really helpful. The catalyst for me enrolling with you was being in a social situation after which I wanted to unravel what had really happened and what the underlying dynamics truly were. I wanted to learn how to identify the various participant’s dynamics and gain more insight. One step at a time you helped me learn more about different ways of framing circumstances and what tools were available to me personally to have more choices. What I learned with you was both educational and also had immediate transferability for my day-to-day life.I appreciated your clarity, support and loving encouragement. Many thanks Lynda.


After the initial session to see if this was going to be right for me, I was amazed at what I learnt about myself. Well completely blown away actually. Suddenly the way I live my life made sense. The extreme busyness to keep my feelings at bay, and when things did get too much that the realisation was that my coping mechanism was the complete opposite to the things that I know help me, like meditation, reading and yoga. This coping mechanism has time and again left me in a state of feeling out of control. When I know that the things to keep me on track are readily available, when I need them most, I struggle to allow myself to access them. Prior to the session I was asked if I waved a wand and could change any aspect of my life, what would it be… initially I was stumped. I felt like life was great, and that’s what I’d convinced myself. Hurtling along in a state of over stimulation and a lack of attention to deeper feelings. Part of me felt or knew that life coaching was something I needed. On careful consideration – the aspect of my life that I would change became very clear. This clarity stemmed from the constant pressure I had on myself of ensuring all parts of my life were ‘perfect’ and as perfect as I tried to make things, as soon as a minor detail fell out of place, I’d completely crumble. I’d make a minor mistake at work, a very human behaviour but I felt like I would unravel, too consumed with perfectionism. So as I approach the first session of my 90 day ‘Blossoming’ self love programme, I am excited to be supported in cultivating unconditional love for myself, not just love for myself when things are going great.”

Brodie Thompson

“Lynda was a very attentive coach. I enjoyed my time spent with her. I felt like she was very present, listening carefully to me while still being playful and light. I appreciated that she was able to ask me questions that challenged me without making me feel guarded. I left feeling a deeper connection to myself and how I want to be in the world.”

Sonya Perry

“Lynda is a thoughtful and respectful coach, a gentle leader and guide. She fully listens and allows a session to unfold the way it is meant to, creating an organic and safe place to explore thoughts and feelings. She deeply cares about her client and holds the space that they need to discover new realms of possibility”

Elizabeth Keiper

Lynda continually helps me dive deeper into who I am and what I need to do be doing to achieve my goals and desires. She is able to make something that feels like a nebulous dream or an uncontrollable issue and creates a practical and insightful action plan that is getting me results. I leave my session with Lynda feeling acknowledged and empowered.

Susan Mesa

Lynda is such an empathetic and kind listener. She really is skillful in asking the right question to help you see with clarity. She avoids giving too much of her opinion and trust that you know the answer inside. She is a great coach! I really love working with Lynda! She has a special way of creating a space of safety. She really helped me to see why it doesn’t have to be this OR that and helped me get clear on my options. Also helped me tune in to my own intuition and trust it. She is a wonderful Coach and would recommend her to anyone in a minute!

Divone Bethea