Top Tips For A Fit, Toned Body

Yes we all know that moving our bodies, along with healthy eating is an important part of the recipe for healthy living. But how do we get started and make exercise part of our routine.  There are so many different fitness programs, regimes and ideas out there…jogging, CrossFit, interval training, Pilates, core work, walking, swimming, sports and weights for example. How do you know which is right for you? There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to an exercise plan (or healthy living in general for that matter). There is however a simple way to figure it out.


Top Tip #1:  Have fun

What physical activities do you enjoy, where and with who? In my opinion the only way to ensure that physical activity becomes a healthy habit is by having fun with it. It shouldn’t be a grind – something that you have to do, but rather a part of your day you really look forward to.


Top Tip #2:  Mix It Up

Variety is great too. Think of activities that get you puffing, test your strength, flexibility and balance. It’s all about putting your body outside it’s comfort zone just enough to trigger a “rebuild it better” response. Take care here. Go too hard and you are putting undue stress on your body which can be detrimental rather than beneficial. Research is now showing that intense cardio workouts should be limited to three sessions a week or less and should be under an hour in duration. Listen to your body. If your arms are still sore after an upper body weights session, give them a rest until they settle. You had scheduled in a run but you are struggling to get out of bed when the alarm goes, rain check it. If you have a headache, take a rest day.


Top Tip #3 Make A Plan

Plan your activities in advance, schedule them into your calendar and invite others to join you. Sharing your active time with people you care about adds pleasure and helps you to stay committed. It often doesn’t feel like a workout at all. Are you lonely and feel like getting out and meeting people?Join a gym or sports club, find like-minded people. What about starting up a walking bus group at the school your kids go to or a Facebook group for others in your community interested in getting physical?


Top Tip #4 Think About Venue

Also think about where you want to workout. Connecting with nature adds incredible benefit. If you can, head to a beach, park or forest. The fresh air, visual delight and sounds of nature – help you to relax and amplify your bliss. Weather, geography or time preventing you from getting out? Make up some music playlists. Even mundane housework can become an invigorating experience with an accompanying soundtrack!


Top Tip #5 Keep Moving

Don’t forget that keeping moving throughout your day is important. Research shows that even if you incorporate a vigorous workout into your week, sitting for 5 hours a day or more puts your health at risk. Yes you may have an office job that keeps you sedentary. Make your tea breaks and lunchtime work for you by taking a walk. Park a few blocks away from your workplace on purpose or if practical bike to and from work. Take a break from sitting every hour, get up and put those files away.


Top Tip #6 Keep Challenging Your Body

Regardless of whether you are just about to embark on a fitness routine, or already regularly exercise, consider the FIT principle.

  • F = Frequency: increase the number of sessions you participate in per week
  • I = Intensity: up the energy; add hand weights to your cardio, increase speed or power
  • T = Time:  simply workout for a longer period of time

t’s all about putting your body outside it’s comfort zone just enough to trigger a “rebuild it better” response. Take care here. The general recommendation is to only increase but small increments. One extra session, weights or time by 10% and only one of these factors at a time.  Go too hard and you are putting undue stress on your body which can be detrimental rather than beneficial. Research is now showing that intense cardio workouts should be limited to three sessions a week or less and should be under an hour in duration. Listen to your body. If your arms are still sore after an upper body weights session, give them a rest until they settle. You had scheduled in a run but you are struggling to get out of bed when the alarm goes, rain check it. If you have a headache, take a rest day.


So take some time to consider your fitness plan.  Schedule, invite, prepare. Regularly review how it fits into your lifestyle and tweak when needed.  For guidance on healthy eating and other lifestyle suggestions for keeping you bright eyed and bushy tailed, connect with me through instagram and facebook.  Consider booking a one-on-one session with me or join me at one of my workshops. Maybe you live close to Geraldine, where I hold three fun and effective aerobics classes a week from the Geraldine Primary School Hall.  See the schedule on this website for both workshops and fitness classes.


Most importantly ENJOY!


Lynda Brodie

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